Analysis and method development

New project for analysis and method development

The aim is to develop relevant, robust and adapted analysis methods that answer the right questions for the sustainable materials, processes and products of the future.

The project will support the need for relevant analysis methods for MoRes's research activities as well as for other players in the industry. The project will be coordinated and coordinated by Oskar Westin. 

For the most part, existing skills and expertise at MoRe Research will be used in the project, but collaboration and expertise will be sought from universities and other parts of RISE. The project is financed by the Kempestifelserna.

An important tool for the research and development that MoRe and other actors in society carry out are robust and adapted analysis methods that answer the right questions. Without correct, precise and accurate methods, there is a great risk that the wrong conclusions will be drawn. 

By prioritizing analysis development, MoRe can establish itself as a central player in the development of analyzes for the pulp and paper industry. Analysis methods need to be continuously developed and adapted to new samples, modified and new processes.

New issues arise, customers develop new products. In the worst case, existing methods can only apply to a very specific sample type and if this sample type changes, the method no longer works. When research produces new applications, methods from other industries and areas of use also need to be identified, adapted and validated (ensuring that they produce correct and reproducible results).

Contact: PhD Oskar Westin, +4670-306 22 59 E-mail