We can measuring:

  • Total organic
  • Inorganic carbon in fluids
  • Total nitrogen

By e.g. measuring total nitrogen of effluent streams going to and from a bio treatment plant, the effect of the treatment on nitrogen effluents can be established.

One example of customer work is to use TOC measurements to detect the carbonate content in various liquors in a chemical recovery plant. It is important to keep the carbonate content under control as you might otherwise get problems with incrust in the evaporation plant.

More and more TOC measurements replace the method to detect COD levels in effluent streams, although we do of course measure COD as well for customers. In bleaching projects we can extend the test programme by adding TOC measurements in order to get a grip on resulting effluent levels from the process.

For the same reason a pulp supplier or a buyer of market pulp might want to know the level of TOC released from the process when using the pulp. In that case we use a standard method to defibrate the pulp in a defibrator and then measure the TOC in the water used during this process.

Contact: Christina Wedin, +4670-5449399, E-mail